In spite of California’s current drought, in spite of the global evolutionary changes taking place everywhere, in spite of sweet little Daniella Collazo, and the fact that three minutes from now another child will be diagnosed with cancer, in spite of the fact that I’m an unemployed TV host….
I recognize how abundantly blessed I am.
Yes, this is one of those optimistic, acknowledgment, blog posts. So what that my dad died. So what that I lost my house 4 years ago and had to file for bankruptcy. So what that I have a felony for selling pot when I was 19.
I am still BLESSED.
Blessed to be here to see my children grow. Blessed to have had a career where I get to do what I love and enjoy daily, because of my freedom. Being black in America is no longer the excuse or reasoning for any limitation in my life.
Being raised by 2 parents, a step mother and having step and half siblings is what’s made my life experience so wonderful. Having broken up and now reconciled with Tiffanie, my wife for the past 23 years; is what’s given us the opportunity to learn how to love, live, and raise our own kids. Raise them together in such a way that they will have even more tools and experience than we did growing up.
Life on planet earth is hard and yet we’re all endowed with the same common rights, responsibilities, and talents. The same get down attitude that we can each step into when and where we need to. No matter how much challenge and strife life delivers to me, I maintain my warrior attitude. I teach others to tap into this same warrior mindset and be the badasses, the talented and the optimistic characters, in their own life stories. It’s about taking limits out of our lives. The last time I argued with the producers of my former show Yard Crashers was when they tried to put me in a limited box called “Host”. I sent my executive producer the video of a song I so enjoy by Lauren Hill titled, “I Get Out“.
No matter what the challenge, no matter what the pain, no matter what the struggle and small mindedness around me is; I seek to be big, be loving, and give thanks for my opportunities. The opportunities to reach, teach, and express a love and optimism for life. As many of you might know. I’m in the process right now of writing my very first book with Author and all around positive chic Marie Blackstock. She and I are both students and teachers of positive living. That is to say that we have both experienced many of life’s challenges and are completely obsessed with figuring out life’s mysteries and sharing these truths with the rest of humanity. Please continue to follow all things for positive change both here and at Alive Again Positive Living.
I know that I am abundantly blessed and I know that these blessings will continue and expand so long as I am willing to acknowledge them and give thanks, and so it is!
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